February insights from MidSquare: Navigating the Waves of Crypto Cycles

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Published date:
March 15, 2024

Dear Friends,

As we embrace the ever-evolving dynamics of the cryptocurrency market, we are pleased to share our Februarycommentary that explores the patterns and opportunities of crypto market cycles.

Fund Performance: An exceptional result for investors

The Fund delivered an exceptional monthly return of  29,23% (USD) net of fees for investors. February also marked the 6 month performance track record for the Fund and we are delighted with the approximately 60% (USD) net of fee return we were able to deliver to our investors over this period.

The Pulse of Progress: Understanding Crypto Cycles

The cryptocurrency landscape is marked by its vibrant and unpredictable nature, and at its core are the crypto market cycles. With four major cycles since Bitcoin’s inception in 2009, each presents a rhythm of growth and recalibration—a dance of innovation and market psychology. Our in-depth commentary deciphers the intricacies of these cycles, typically spanning four years and swayed by the winds of technological evolution, regulatory shifts, and global economic tides. Learn how the market’s heartbeat is influenced by the speculative interest and the profound impact of innovations such as decentralized finance and the surging wave of NFTs.

Horizon of Opportunity: The Forthcoming Halving and Liquidity Cycles

With the Bitcoin halving approaching and the expected shift in interest rates, we delve into how these events historically set the stage for bullish sentiments and what they signify for the market’s future. Challenge the conventional investment perspective and discover why, through the lens of crypto market cycles and expected catalysts, crypto markets still offer the promise of very attractive returns.

We invite you to delve into the full commentary here. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.


Warm regards,

The MidSquare Team

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